Sunday, March 17, 2013

Linkdom Hearts: Dream Eaters and Nobodies

We'll see what that title does to my stats and comments. Other than eating bon bons, shoveling snow and getting laid off, here's some other stuff I've done:

Mama on In Review Online
The other Jessica Chastain film that was kicking around earlier this year about two creepy little kids. If you missed it, you didn't miss much. Out on DVD and on various streaming sites in May.

Parker on In Review Online
I like Jason Statham. I want him to make better choices. When will he get that great role in that great film? This is not it. J-Lo costars. Watch Crank or The Transporter instead.

11 Flowers on In Review Online
I had low expectations for this film and I was pleasantly surprised. I have been disappointed in Wang Xiaoshuai's films since Frozen (1997) and So Close to Paradise (1998) set the standards pretty high. Set in the waning days of the Cultural Revolution, 11 Flowers is coming-of-age story that draws heavily on Wang's own life. This film went into limited release last month and should see a home release in June.

Here's a piece that I did for the Walker Art Center on Chris Sullivan and his amazing animated feature Consuming Spirits. I had a great time talking with Chris before his visit to the Walker and then subsequently had a great time hanging out with him. Chris is definitely the guy you want to have around for piano bar karaoke. You can also read my transcription of our rambling discussion here: Chris Sullivan on Michael Jordan, Jean Piaget and The Sapranos.

We also had Bill Morrison and Luther Price in the Walker house earlier this year and I posted these random questionnaires with the two of them here and here. Two more people I feel lucky to have met and hung out with.  

I also traveled to Columbia MO to the True/False Film Festival, but that turned into a little bit of a disaster as the hammer of the Walker lay offs came down in my first day there. So much for that. Maybe I will try again next year.

The Minneapolis St Paul International Film Festival (which, to set the record straight, is not in St Paul at all) is less than a month away and I'm gearing up to do some rip-roaring capsules for the Star Tribune as well as the City Pages, if they will have me.

And finally, I am not too proud to broadcast that I'm looking for a job. My dog is trying to make the case for a stay-at-home mom, but that just ain't possible. I'm good at lots of things, but I really like films! Keep me in mind!