I can't say I really cared when Showtime announced it was going to commission thirteen directors to create new for a series called "Masters of Horror". It seemed like a marketing scheme that didn't really have much sway with me. But when Showtime announced it would not air Takashi Miike's piece, without further comment, I had a good laugh. Maybe before giving him carte blanche, they should have watched more than Audition. I imagine Miike getting the call from Showtime and immediately sitting down to make a list what most repulses American audiences: abortion, torture, pedophilia, incest, rape, violence toward women...yup, that should do it.
Who knows whether or not this is an accurate notion of how Imprint came about, but after seeing the film I am even more convinced that Miike is having a little fun, and, as a result, selling himself short. The film starts out promising enough with a scene reminiscent of the atmospheric Japanese ghost stories of the 50s and 60s, but all that falls away as Billy Drago's terrible acting reveals itself and as the Japanese cast stumbles along in poor English, even to each other. Set at the end of the Edo period that we all know and love from the movies, Drago plays Chistopher who is searching for the woman he loved, but abandoned. Stranded on an island, he has no choice but to choose a prostitute and spend the night. His fateful choice not only uncovers the demise of his beloved, but also the freakish secrets about his courtesan and eventually the truth behind his own brutish nature.
The payoff is little more that a laugh at how ludicrous things can get. When an evil twin sister appears in the form of the McFries puppet from the Happy Meal Gang popping out of the female leads head, any possibility of this film being taken seriously is out the window. In Miike's very inconsistent repertoire, Imprint fits right in. Despite his intentions for his episode in Showtime's prepackaged Masters of Horror series, Miike is certainly the one having the last laugh: Imprint (aka "the Banned Episode") is by far the most most talked about of the series.
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