I like the format of DVD plus a booklet. I personally can't stand reading content from a DVD. If it is printed material, just print it. So each segment has some info or an interview or some factoids. The Wholphin website is also a wealth of supplementary content if you just can't get enough. The content of Wholphin No. 3 runs the gamut. Here is a brief rundown of the contents:
Menus - There are three menu loops that I guess would be hidden content for the impatient. Once the menu runs through one loop (about 30 seconds), it launches into a video. The first is called Tactical Advantage by Daren Rabinovitch; it shows what happens when God gets a little bored (or busy) up there in the clouds with his angel...and rifle. The second is Ballistic Jaw Propulsion of Trap-Jaw Ants by a team from UC Berkeley, CA Academy of Sciences and U of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana; these people used a video camera that essentially shoots at 100,000 frames per second to capture 145 mph action of this ants pinchers; this is definitely a moment when art meets science - amazing! Third is Flotsam/Jetsam by David and Nathan Zellner; this is a two part "story" that has the feel of an art school video project.
The Russian Suicide Chair - Performance by Dennis Hopper. Now here's an oddity. In 1983 at Big H Speedway in Houston Texas, Dennis Hopper curls up under a chair that is lined with 17 sticks of dynamite and lights the fuse. Why? Who knows. Contains footage from the performance and a more current interview about the incident.
The Passion of Martin - Written and directed by Alexander Payne. Payne's mean-spirited student film he made at UCLA. This actually screened here at the Walker before Citizen Ruth as part of an Alexander Payne retrospective.
A Bee and a Cigarette - Directed by Bob Odenkirk. A funny short about two losers who can't shake their fate.
Excerpts from Funky Forest: The First Contact - Directed by Ishii Katsuhito. Funky Forest was one of my favorite films from last year. There are two excerpt here from the 3 hour film, and they don't even come close to doing it justice. Hopefully this is a sign that someone will pick this film up in the US.
Kitchen - Directed by Alice Winocour. This simple, dark, French short is one of my favs of the DVD. The battle between lobster and housewife has never been more funny.
Walleyball: "Yeah Yeah, We Speak English. Just Serve" - Directed by Wholphin. A friendly game of volleyball over the fence that separates the U.S. from Mexico at the Pacific serves as a commentary on immigration and the the U.S. built paranoia on illegal immigrants.
Never Like the First Time! - Directed by Jonas Odell. Swedish director Jonas Odell takes four stories told by four individuals about losing their virginity and illustrates them with animation, each with characteristics that match the narrative.
Bobby Bird (in The Devil in Denim) - Directed by Carson Mell. Another great animation where the menu is a drawing of Bobby Bird in the buff. You click on one of his tattoos to get the story behind the tattoo and inevitably the story about Bobby Bird. Now, I can't really tell you if Bobby Bird is a real person, but Carson Mell also did an illustrated novel about Bobby Bird called Saguaro.
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